Flying Colours Artists' Association
Art from the Peace Region of Northern BC


Flying Colours’ third group show, POINTS of VIEW II, will be on exhibit at Peace Gallery North at the North Peace Cultural Centre in Fort St. John from March 13th - 28th. This exhibition presents images capturing familiar landscapes or small moments of everyday life in the Peace Region. Working from selected images that members submitted, artists rendered their viewpoints in colour, black-and-white, a wide variety of media, many different styles and with a variety of artistic intentions and demonstrated that artists interpret the same inspirational material in different ways.

A point of view is a manner of viewing things; an attitude. The attitude or outlook of an artist is inherent in his/her work. Not every viewfinder is a rectangle, nor do artists interpret inspirational material in the same way.

Members want to intrigue viewers with the diversity and contrasting styles that can be found within an artistic community and in the way an identical starting point can create diverse content.

Art is not about precise conformity to rigid rules. It is about point of view. The value of art does not come from the conformity of the artist, but in the artist daring to express deeper thoughts and feelings that make us human. Annie Bevan cogently said, “Art is our memory of love. “ The most an artist can do through their work is say, “let me show you what I have seen, what I have loved. And perhaps you will see it and love it too.”

Art is not about precise conformity to rigid rules. It is about point of view. The value of art does not come from the conformity of the artist, but in the artist daring to express deeper thoughts and feelings that make us human. Annie Bevan cogently said, “Art is our memory of love. “ The most an artist can do through their work is say, “let me show you what I have seen, what I have loved. And perhaps you will see it and love it too.”

Art is an unruly attempt to get people to notice and appreciate life. True art comes from a deep humanity within the artist and the viewer, for s/he who looks at art and appreciates it, participates in the artistic experience. Each artist, in a different way, asks us to slow down and savor life’s gift, to alter our vision ever so slightly. As the English artist Roy Adzark once said, “Good art is not what it looks like, but what it does to us.”