12 Aug 2019 - 13 Aug 2019
Oil Painting Workshop with Darryl Funk
Category: Workshop/Class
Price: 160.00
Miep's studio
Darryl Funk is an artist from Chilliwack BC and will teach this two day oil painting workshop. He is a representative of Royal Talens Cobra paints and will be bringing a large supply of colors for us to use at the workshop so that we can try them out. Cobra paints are water washable oil paints which makes cleaning up very easy. Just water no harsh clean up mediums or varnishes.
The workshop will run from 10am - 4pm both days.
All you need to bring is a canvas or canvases, any size you prefer, brushes, a palette and a water jar.
If you are not a member of Flying Colours or PRFCA you will need to pay a once a year fee of $35 extra.
Please register with mparslow@pris.ca
Take a look at Darryl's website (under his name)